A Time of Change

A Time of Change

The pandemic has raised questions about the World Health Organisation. This UN agency established in 1948 with what has been described as an advisory role, might become even more effective in promoting the health of the world’s populations if given a more proactive brief, a broader remit and greater authority. This is a time for better funding for the agency, not less.

There are many around the world exploring new vaccines. To what extent should the WHO take initiatives here?

Historians will seek to answer questions about the beginnings of this unexpected pandemic. Could more have been done to slow down its spread throughout the world and how did it emerge? These questions are important because it would be wise to be prepared…

This pandemic has not happened in a vacuum. Animal trade and encroachment into animal habitats have come into focus. Farming large numbers of animals and poultry close together and the destruction of forests to accommodate more of the same is a cause of climate change and this is by far the greatest threat to the health of humanity the world has ever known. Should the WHO look at this?

The pandemic could be said to tap into the more fundamental issue of how we look after creation.

If we step outside the Creators plan for this wonderful world, bequeathed to humanity in love, then we bring calamity upon ourselves. A simple example would be the need we have for the force of gravity. If we ignore the pull of gravity and jump off a sky scraper we die.

The bible tells us how to be happy and take care of ourselves body mind and spirit. This is fine tuned and spelled out in the moral and social teaching of the Church. Why not make a list of some of this moral and social teaching and alongside side each entry write what happens when it is ignored – to us and to the world.

Try Genesis 1. 26 – 31 “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was good.” (v31)

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