Leadership turned on its head

Leadership turned on its head

In the Sunday Gospel at Mass this week Jesus speaks of service when he hears that the apostles had been arguing about who is the greatest. Instead, Jesus says, if anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all. (Mark.9: 30 – 37)

This stands in stark contrast to what we see around us especially perhaps, in politics and Government.

Seeing and wanting what is best for others involve empathy, having a listening ear and a listening heart.

This text begins with Jesus prophesying his death. Jesus gave his life so that all might live. Elsewhere, he invites his followers to take up their cross and follow him. (Matthew 16: 24 – 26)

We take a lead whether in small acts of love or in government for the sake of others. This invariably involves sacrifice even suffering. Yet as we do this we become more and more immersed in God’s love which is why we are here rather than to control, dominate and put ourselves first.

This is true stature in the eyes of God who will welcome those who have trodden this path in the footsteps of Jesus who, by the cross, has won salvation for those who call on his name.

What does it profit a man who gains the whole world but loses his soul. (Matthew 16: 26)

When we get up in the morning our first question might be, “who can I serve today.”   

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