Lent – being who we are

Lent – being who we are

Today Lent begins where there is special emphasis on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

For those with no relationship with our loving heavenly Father and Jesus, the only begotten Son sent into the world to save us, prayer is not possible – for those desiring such a relationship, our first prayer might be “speak Lord your servant is listening” or “Jesus I need you.”

Going without food, luxuries, or enjoyment for the sake of others and to discipline ourselves and focus on what really matters in life- loving God and our neighbour above ourselves.

Almsgiving to those in need building fraternity, mutuality, especially when it hurts us.

The opposite of the true spirit of Lent is what is happening in areas of conflict taking place today shown regularly in the news; killing and carnage and depriving others including non combatants- men women and children, of the basic necessities of life.

This can never be in God’s name.

So in Lent we are reminded to be who we truly are as daughters and sons of God made in His image, each of us with an eternal destiny which begins right here and right now.   

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