There’s none so blind as those who don’t want to see

There’s none so blind as those who don’t want to see

Truth of Faith

In last Sunday’s gospel Jesus heals a man born blind. This does not persuade the Pharisees- the Jewish leaders, that Jesus should be listened to. They have their own agenda. They can’t see the reality in front of them especially given that that Jesus in their view broke the law by healing on the Sabbath day which they regarded as work and against the Commandments.

The beauty of nature, the wonder of human beings – even divine miracles are not enough to bring about an acknowledgement for many that there must be a God.

Jesus came to bring light but many prefer darkness. How appallingly sad. This Sunday is Rejoicing Sunday in Lent and lights up our way to Easter when all darkness and negativity are shattered forever.

Looking for the good in others and rejoicing in good deeds is something the Pharisees in Jesus day were unable to do. Religious man made rules got in the way.

The way things are;

Self interest, ideology, ignorance and just plain evil desires threaten life in so many ways

As with the man born blind, life is precious and preconceived notions must be ignored by those who can see and who desire to stretch out a healing hand. This takes courage and the kind of faith that makes the impossible possible.

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