Everything Changes
Truth of Faith
Living Water
Knowing Jesus as Son of God changes everything and opens us to the living water and eternal life. This is for here and now and is a foretaste of our heavenly destiny.
An unsuspecting woman encounters Jesus at the village well. She is shocked that Jesus should ask her for a drink. The apostles had gone into the village to buy food.
John 4:5-42
“You are a Jew and you ask me, a Samaritan for a drink?” What is more it was unheard of for a man to speak to a woman in public. Jesus breaks all conventions to reach this woman. She is riveted to the spot when Jesus reveals the knowledge he has been given about the past men in her life. How could he know this about her? She sees Jesus as a prophet and is in rapt attention as Jesus speaks to her of living water, welling up to eternal life. She immediately rushes of to the village to tell everyone.
What does this encounter from this week’s gospel say to us? Jesus is saying he is the Messiah. Do we truly believe this? Perhaps Lent is a space to think about this more. For those who recognise who Jesus is everything changes. Should we be rushing off to tell all those we know?
BUT such recognition MUST involve listening to and abiding by Jesus’ message which has the power to transform individually and transform the world; the Kingdom in the here and now leading to the eternal life.
Words of Life;
Blessed are the peacemakers they shall be children of God. Matthew 5.9
You cannot be the slave both of God and money. Matthew 6.24
A man will be joined to his wife and the two become one body. Matthew 19. 5-6
The leader is the one who serves. Luke 22.27
Who can live like this? Only those who know Jesus.
What was Jesus’ dream for the woman at the well? What is God’s dream for us; for today and for our life?
Dear Lord may your living water flow in me. May I walk each day in the Holy Spirit with my feet set firmly on the ground and my eyes to heaven.