Hello world!

Hello world!

Each of us is a steward or caretaker of what we have come to know and understand and we are therefore responsible for sharing it with all those prepared to listen. “Your light must shine in the sight of men, so that, seeing your good works they may give praise to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5.16

The words attributed to Nelson Mandela but written by Marianne Williamson come to mind…

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world….We are all meant to shine as children do.”

The Good News of Jesus Christ is needed more than ever to transform our dysfunctional world by calling out injustice and evil and trumpeting the many good deeds of people of good will.

This blog is a sharing platform of a Christian man later in life, prompted by the enthusiasm for all that could be in the light of the Good News which is always fresh always new. In the words of George Bernard Shaw, quoted by Robert Kennedy in his book ‘To see a newer world,’  “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.”

So this is an invitation to all readers to SEE and JUDGE all things in the light of the Good News and ACT in the light which this brings; but more than this, to come to ‘know, to love and serve’ God our Father who calls us in the here and now for all eternity. This, in the words of the ‘Penny Catechism’ of the Catholic Church is why we are here. It is the purpose of our lives.

Why am I launching this blog while we are in the throes of a pandemic? I suppose like so many in lockdown there is more time. We all have our thoughts and feelings about our present situation. There are many forwards buzzing about on WhatsApp. Some thought provoking, some moving and powerful, many spiritual, some funny and some irresponsible. This epitomises our re discovered interconnectedness and interdependence. Only time will tell if we learn the lessons and move forward in search of a new and better world. 

And at this Easter time 2020, Christians around the world again celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Son of God and by his rising from the dead we celebrate our own resurrection and life eternal.

This truth brings peace. Peace and fear cannot co-exist. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

(1 Cor. 15.20 -26)

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